Helping an individual to express the meaning in their life
Helping an individual to courageously trust the Divine, friends, & family.
Enhancing a person’s sense of relatedness to their own spiritual resources, including their faith community.
Why might someone need Spiritual Care?
People need to feel that their lives have meaning and value, and that they are connected to each other as members of a community.
Why is Spiritual Care important?
Research evidence shows that people consider their quality of life improved as a result of having their spiritual needs addressed.
Spiritual beliefs and practices are known to be valued and frequently used by people as a way to help cope with their situation.
Who provides Spiritual Care?
Our Spiritual Care staff and our volunteer Spiritual Companions provide spiritual care. However, other health care team members, residents/tenants, and family members also provide spiritual care in many ways.
We all journey with each other to find meaning in life.