Your contribution to this program enables our Foundation to support the 120 Residents here at MSJ Home not only with their physical needs but emotional, social and spiritual needs as well. This program provides us with a predictable source of income that allows us to more effectively plan ahead, maximize donor dollars and provide Resident’s with Quality of life. This program ensures that special programs and activities where there is no funding to address these needs are met. MSJ provides a Resident Mobility bus which allows Residents to be active members in the community. A Spiritual care program, Staff training opportunities that enables them to provide compassion, understanding and quality care along with the ability for the Foundation to acquire furniture and equipment upgrades for the Home.
Essentially your support of MSJ Foundation will allow us to continue to support the Home with a stable & reliable source of income that provides a peace of mind for the difficult situations and allows MSJ staff to pay attention to what is most important…. Quality Resident Care.
A monthly contribution from an automatic withdrawal from your bank account or a one-time donation a year is a decision for you to make.